Tasneem Yar, 24, is currently living with her mother and 3 brothers in Dolomuch. She teaches part-time at a local school in her community and would like to pursue an MA or a short course in English language at a Pakistan university.
‘My tapestry shows a scene of a traditional musical show at a friends place where you see various musicians playing their traditional instruments, e.g. sitar, flute and the tabla…. I love the melody composition of our traditional music combined with Khowar poetry.
I like musical shows that take place in a private event…I prefer these because all the close family members will sing songs and dance freely.
We usually have a traditional musical event at weddings, births of babies, or when someone builds a new house …The musical show normally take place during the summer when the weather is pleasant.
They have a homely feel and the audience gives respect to the musicians. When a dancer comes and performs, he is presented with an embroidered handkerchief or a small gift from the family as a gesture of good will.’
‘When I first heard about the project I was really excited to take part, as I was able to share the beauty of our musical culture internationally. Especially when I saw the samples of Harris Tweed…. I began imagining how my story will be narrated on the fabric.
I have never been to Scotland but through this prestigious hand-woven cloth, I feel that I have met and interacted with the weaving community.’